Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Foster Family Thanksgiving 2008 Schedule, Take 1

Well, Thanksgiving is upon us, which means it's time to get together! Below is the proposed schedule of events. Nobody's feelings are going to be hurt if you don't like something about it. However, no one will know you don't like it if you don't post a comment on this blog, send out an e-mail, or speak out in some other way. So please let your voice be heard and let this upcoming Thanksgiving be fun and fulfilling for everyone!

Also, I wasn't sure when everyone would be arriving and departing from out of town, so that will be included on one of the revised schedules after y'all know when you're getting here. So I've just planned from Wednesday through the weekend for now. The assignment of who is in charge is listed after each item.

AM (around 9:00) 9 holes of golf for the guys--Mickey in charge
Lunch at M & M's--assigned by Dana
PM Tecmo Bowl Tournament--Drew & Kristen
Dinner at M & M's--assigned by Dana

AM Ken Caryl Turkey Trot--Mark & Liz
Lunch at M & M's--assigned by Dana
PM Service at Soup Kitchen--Megan, Mark babysitting
Dinner at M & M's Possibly Wendi's Butternut Squash Bisque--Matt & Wendi
After Dinner--Game night: Nertz, Settlers, Scrabble, etc.--Adam and Laura

AM Getting ready for and taking a family picture at 11:00--Margaret
No Planned Lunch Snacking and hors d'oeuvres at Mark and Liz's
PM Thanksgiving Dinner at Mark and Liz's--food assignments by Liz (for the dinner and hors d'oeuvres before...)

Early AM (8 ish) Classic Matchup--Tyler
AM (10 or 11) Temple Sealing Session--Jeff and Angie, Megan babysitting??
Lunch at M & M's--assigned by Dana
PM (2 ish) Foster Family Council--Mickey, (including slideshow presentation--Jeff)
Dinner at Jeff and Angie's
After Dinner go see a movie, to be decided when we're all together

***Now that I'm looking over this, I see that I haven't planned any breakfasts. I guess that gives those of us who live in Denver a little longer to get our kids ready and get out the door, but maybe Dana could assign people to make breakfasts for those people staying with Mickey and Margaret. We'll talk about it on the conference call tonight. :)