You'll notice a couple of assignments with question marks, so if those people can respond and say whether they accept, that will be helpful. The assignments aren't exactly evenly distributed... sorry. If someone wants to volunteer to M.C. the talent show, that would be awesome. Also, no one has made specific plans for adult musical numbers at Helen's party. (Does someone have the music for "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" that you guys used last time?) Also, as of this evening Carson didn't know which of the Rustand men will be there Saturday morning for basketball, so we may have to be flexible about that.
Mostly just get ready for a good ole' time! I was talking to the Mick, Margaret, Megan, Adam and Laura tonight and there's a lot to be excited about. Let's just enjoy this time we have and realize how lucky we all are to have each other and to be a family!
People arrive and settle in
Dinner-- Taco Salad (Mickey, Margaret, Megan)
7:30 Breakfast Available: Bagels, Fruit, Juice (Drew and Kristen)
9:00 Crossword and Family Trivia Challenge (Mickey)
11:00 Golf for the Fellas (Mickey)
12:30 Lunch for whoever's around: A.W.T. Sandwiches (Drew and Kristen)
4:00 Homerun Derby (Mark)
6:30 Dinner: Cafe Rio (Drew and Kristen)
7:30 Put younger kids to bed
8:00 Nertz Tournament
9:15 Leave to see Inception in Prescott (Liz watching kids)
7:30 Breakfast (Ty and Dana)
8:30 Foster/Rustand Showdown
Planned Leisure Time
11:00 Hike to and family photo at Humpty Dumpty (Megan)
12:30 Lunch (Ty and Dana)
2:00 Ping Pong Tournament (Drew and Kristen)
4:30 Talent Show
6:30 Dinner (Ty and Dana)
Root Beer Float Party w/ Rustands and Boices
Late Evening: More visiting cousins
7:30 Breakfast (Adam and Laura)
10:00 Devotional (Megan)
12:30 Lunch items available (Adam and Laura) everyone make their own
1:30 Answers disclosed to Trivia Challenge (Mickey)
3:00 Patti, Bob and Helen arrive
4:00 Dinner: Lasagna (Margaret and Mickey)
Program and dessert (Kids songs by Liz, Adult Songs to be determined)
7:30ish Mad Gaming Night: Settlers, Mexican Train, Hearts, Blokus, etc.
7:30 Breakfast Available (Jeff and Angie)
9:00 Girls Morning Out w/ Baby Shower for Kristen (Having a girl....congrats!)
12:30 Lunch for whoever's around (Jeff and Angie)
1:30 Rock Climbing
3:00 Leave for 3:30 showing of Toy Story 3
6:30 Dinner: (Jeff and Angie)
7:30 Put kids down
8:00 Family Council (Mickey)
7:30 Breakfast Available (Mark and Liz)
9:00 Classic Match-up
12:30 Adult lunch, kids babysat at Adam and Laura's house
3:00 Drew and Kristen leave
6:30 Dinner (Mark and Liz)
7:30 Breakfast Leftovers
Ty and Dana Leave
9:00 Planned leisure time
12:30 Lunch Leftovers
1:30 Planned leisure time
6:00 Dinner Leftovers
Clean up and head out.