Saturday, February 10, 2007

Blood on the Moon

As my children grow up, I increasingly recognize certain inalienable Foster traits, both physical and sociological, being transmitted to the next generation. Grant Guy's big head, stubborness and silly humor; Joybear's blue eyes, creativity and feistiness.

Language is an integral part of this trans-generational identity, as seen in certain linguistic Fosterisms, such as, "Blood on the moon!" When have you ever heard use of this very violent and graphic phrase, except in the context of either getting in trouble from the Old Man or humorously remembering such incidents? This phrase has become a part of our new family's lexicon, but mostly in the context of Grant purposely spilling his drink at dinner just so he can hear me say, "Blood on the moon, Grant. Blood on the moon." It engenders laughter, not fear, and thus carries no weight except as verbal stamp of indelible Fosterness.
So here is an invite to all of you: what other phrases are anchored deep within your soul that, when uttered, exude your undeniable Foster heritage?


Tankfos said...

"You drop my tranny, I'll bite your fanny!!!"

Dad said...

What a great idea to list all these fosterisms. I suggest (so obvious!) WE'RE IN A WORLD OF HURT Mom!"

Danalin said...

I've been told about a few of about "Never hit a man with an open fist"? Now, is that a slap? What exactly is an 'open fist'?

Dad said...

How about these:

"If I had a nickle for every time I ...... (fill in the blank) I'd be a rich man."

"Oh, My!!"

"What in the world?"

"Never leave you shoes in the middle of the road"

"I'll show you .....(fill in the blank) in a second."


Goose said...

Kristen reminds me of a few everyday...

"Why so jacked?"

"Sooooo annoying."

Matthew said...

There are dozens of these lurking in the shallow depths of the Foster collective subconscious. I remember a few...

"Now we're cookin' with grease!" --
Leaned from Dad. Wendi tells me it should actually be "cookin' with gas." But I think the Foster version is a bit more colorful.

"Oh. My." This one is used mostly by the youngish tribe, Jeff, Adam and Drew. Why?

"Remember who you are." Mom said this when saying goodbye to her sons, and still does sometimess.

Dad said...

How about "smooth as a baby's behind"

or "Old as dirt"

or "there ain't no free lunch!"

Goose said...

How about these...

"Why don't you go pound sand."

"A little trick I learned in the army" Even though nobody in the fam has served in the army.

"Hi Ty, why cry."

"The lead dog gets the fresh air."

Tyler said...

"We are the brave men of Tadocula (sp?)" (only Matt and Mark...)

Making any generalization about life by saying "A man needs...." or "A man is...." (maybe that is just me)

"This has got to be some kind of joke!" (originated from Jeff)

Tankfos said...

I also say "all a man needs is..."