Thursday, May 03, 2007

Base Jumping at the Reunion

I saw this video of some relaxing base jumping, and I thought this might be a fun activity for our Iron Springs reunion. Do you think you'd have time to pull the rip cord once you leapt off of Dead Man 77? Might soften the landing the bit.

Enjoy the Coldplay tune as well . . .


Tyler said...

That was awesome. I'm in

Wendi said...

Notice how the footage was cut before the jumpers hit the earth with a messy splat? Anyone who would even consider doing something like that is certifiable!

Danalin said...

I could consider something like that...on a smaller scale, though, to start! Although I do have a son and a husband to think about.

Tankfos said...

I got nervous just watching that. The second I got within 20 feet of a cliff like that I would fall into the fetal position and begin to cry. I will watch from the ground while the rest of you jump.

Matthew said...

You cannot be serious about this. Which of us will die? More importantly, who will collect the insurance?

I'm sorry if I sound callous, but then, I'm not the one who suggested leaping off a cliff. If everyone told you to jump off a bridge, would you?

Oh you already told us the answer to that, didn't you.