***Updated July 16, 2009 after taking input from the people***
The time is short and the anticipation is building for the 2009 Foster and Boice reunions in Iron Springs. Unfortunately, we will be down a few families, namely the Matthew Fosters, the Jeffrey Fosters and the Andrew Fosters. You will be missed sorely, but we will try to have a good time anyway.
I figured I would restart a conversation from email a few weeks ago about the schedule. Please make any comments you want and don't be shy as this is just to start the discussion. Nothing is set in stone and we can change things around as much as we want. I made tentative assignments in parentheses.
For meals, I propose that we only assign dinners. Maybe we should coordinate some simple breakfast and lunch stuff. Mick has requested to prepare 1 breakfast
PM-Arrive and settle into cabins
Mom and Megan(?) will already be there
Tyler Foster's will hopefully arrive around 6 or 7 pm
Everyone else?
Dinner-Margaret and Megan
AM-brunch at pavillon
4PM-dedication of Tom Arnold Memorial (new ping pong tables, equipment, plaque)
(Lots of Carson relatives, too)
6PM-Dinner at tennis courts (Foster Family in charge, Taco Salad)
Later-evening activities*
AM-devotional and brunch
PM-afternoon activities*
Dinner-Adam and Laura
*Activities will include: climbing, hike, ping pong tourney, b-ball, scavenger hunt, relaxing, conversing, etc.
AM-Mick and Mag do babysitting and the boys take their wives on a short rock climbing tour (Meg can come too, but you better not bring a husband!)
later AM-matinee movie for all (kids too! Hopefully, Jane will just sleep.) Adam seems to think that Jane will not be interested. Possible movies are G-Force and Ice Age @ ~11:00 am.
PM-Early evening family trip to Flat Rock (Adam and Laura)
Later-Ty challenges Mark to a "Stars" rematch, Hearts or Nertz tournament
Dinner-Ty and Dana
AM-Golfing (18 holes) (or maybe in the evening we could get a better rate?)
PM-Manliest man competition *I have some ideas about this to make it a "real" manliest man competition*(Tyler), family games for everyone, Crossword challenge? (Mark and Liz)
Later-movie in Prescott (not all can go due to babysitting)
Dinner-Mark and Liz
AM-Women do something equivalent to men's golfing in Prescott
PM-A short hike around the railroad tracks (Mick and Mag)
Dana and Mick free throw contest, Laura has said she wants in, but with some very tough (unfair?) rules :-) We'll see if the Mick can handle it...
Later-Dinner at a resteraunt in Prescott (any ideas? Mick's buying so the sky's the limit! He says "no" but I know him well enough to know he really means "yes!")
AM-say our goodbyes and depart
Breakfast? - Margaret