Friday, June 09, 2006

Sunrise or Sunset? The Future of the Family Blog

Is this a sunrise or a sunset over the Forever Fosters Blog?

This is Mark here, and I'd prefer to think of this as a sunrise, the beginning of a bright new blogacious day.

Since we've all had a couple of months to acclimate to the blogosphere, I think we're now in better shape to know what we want from this website and from our own individual websites. All kidding aside, I see this blog (and our appendaged individual blogs) as wonderful tools to keep us all in close contact, to provide a universal, instantly accessible venue for communication, and a clearinghouse for the dispersal of important information.

It has become abundantly clear that the current management of the Family Blog, a.k.a. the Grandmaster Blogger Dad, needs some assistance and some clarification of his duties. He also needs the reins pulled in a bit, as in an unforeseen power grab he changed the password to this website so as to exert sole dominion over its contents. However, he was foiled in his nefarious scheme as he promptly proceeded to forget his new secret password, and he had to come to me to bail him out. Now humbled, he has agreed to relinquish some of his sought-after power, placing it back into the collective hands of you, the Foster democracy. I will email the new password to each of you later today, so that you can once again help carry this Family Blog forward towards its full potential.

Here's what I propose for the contents of this site:

1) All Fosters have equal access to posting information on this Blog, but the Mick and the Marge are chiefly responsible for its content.
2) Appropriate postings for this Blog could include:
---pictures of cute kids
---pictures of family events/reunions, etc
---general family announcements
---general family discussions
---declarations of love and harmony
---and, importantly, Mick, a monthly family newsletter summarizing important events in the individual families lives.
3) Inappropriate information would include:
---opinionated diatribes
---personal musings
---controversial debates
---any information that would be best left to your personal blog.

That's what I think. What do you all think? Please, everybody that reads this place a comment, as this should be a communal effort, not Mark's or Mick's or anyone else's individual project.

Is the sun rising or setting on the Family Blog? If rising, what does this bright new day look like for you?


Wendi said...

Well said, Mark. I second the motion.

Tankfos said...

I agree Mark. I think the Mick just needs to get into the groove and he will be able to do a better job of it.

Jeff said...

I've got my doubts about the Micks competency, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I agree 100% with Marks vision of the blogosphere.

Dad said...

Once again, my name and reputation is being dragged through the mud by Doc Fos. It was not a power grab by any stretch of the imagination. The way it came down is that I was told by certain folks that I was in charge of the Blog. I admit I have not lived up to the charge, as we have had a lot going on. I will renew my efforts to keep it up to date. My attempt at this "power grab" was nothing more than to try and keep a little order on the main page instead of helter skelter anyone putting stuff on the Forever Foster page that could be on their individual blog. I still think that is or is what I was told was the way this was to work.

However, just as in the March Madness fiaso, the people have spoken and so I will do as the majority wishes.

That is all for now.

The Rebuked Grandmaster Blogger himself.

Tyler said...

The Mick is indeed a misunderstood man. I'm not sure that anyone will ever really understand what goes on inside that's on a different level, or at least in a different dimension, and most likely, it is a very scary place!

I do think that the ammount of "updating" is sufficient. If it happens that we have a few in one week, fine. If there is a few week gap before the next post, fine as well. Cute kids are always welcome.

It should definitely remain open to everyone. Mick, if you want to control something outright, try your own blog...